Welcome to Tutti-Foodies!

The MaD Scientist

The Experiments

The Experiments II


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Other Creations

Not only do i make foodies...but...

Like i said before, i'm also into anime so you may see alot of Naruto Stuff here. i also like to make keychains and origami and cardboard weapons....

My Prized Creation: Konoha's Box

The Beautiful Box of Konoha! it's the Konoha's Symbol on it and it's so COOL!

Keychain OX

There's only an O. not an X. it's a keychain.

Keychain Checkered

2 purple sides, 2 pink sides, and 2 blue sides. it's a keychain.


It's paper :D


It's cardboard and duct tape. i think i spelled Shiriken wrong.

Paper Clip Pin

it's my Paper Clip Pin.

Hikaru...Cut out

Xacto Knife frenzy.

Origami Star Blob


Origami Ninja Star
It's a ninja star/ donut :D
Fudomine Shirt Keychain
My sister is obsessed with The Prince of Tennis and she loves the team Fudomine. So while she was sewing a Fudomine Cosplay, i made a small Fudomine Shirt keychain. it's got no words on it.
Alister Plush Head
I made this for my sister. it's a small plush head of her favorite character, Alister/Amelda from YuGiOh Waking the Dragons.

Ugly Bookmark
It was supposed to be an Ugly Doll but i ran out of material.

Coyrighted by Dr.waka_waka